Email Address
Phone Number
+91 8589991227
Our Location
Agali ,Palakkad-678581
Devi De-addiction & Rehabilitation Centre is an institution started by Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission with an objective of helping the families of persons addicted to alcohol and substances of abuse. The centre provides holistic care and relief to addicts and their families through a scientific, systematic and structured treatment programme. The centre also provides other support services for individuals and families like Psychosocial support, care of chronically ill patients, psychiatric out-patient services and therapy for psychological illness. It is centrally located in Palakkad town and has good facilities for accommodation, treatment and follow-up of dependent patients.
Alcohoilism and substance abuse is a disease which leads to chronic degenerative disease of multiple organ systems in turn leading to chronic disability and death. It also leads to severe consequences in the individual’s family, employment and social standing.
This is a structured programme which lasts for at least a month
The patient is helped to come out of the ill effects of the addictive substances in the first phase, which takes 4-7 days. During this phase the patient needs some medicines to relieve his/her problems. He/she is also assessed for his general health, organ functions etc.
In the second phase, the patient is taken through an educative and self-evaluation process by which the decision to abstain from alcohol and substances is reinforced. The patient is given individual counseling, group therapy, lectures and videos about different aspects about addiction
Yoga, meditation, games, interactive sessions and other methods are used to relax the patient and provide emotional support to the patients.
The family is invited for a few sessions of counseling, during which the family members or the caretaker is given psychological support for dealing with the addiction. The recovered addicts and their family members are linked to Alcoholics anonymous, Narcotic anonymous and AI Anon groups for continued support and exchange of experiences
After discharge, the patients are invited for follow up visits with the counselors periodically, as per the needs of each individual. This follow up is continued for specified periods according to the needs of the treatment