Email Address
Phone Number
+91 8589991227
Our Location
Agali ,Palakkad-678581
The Community Maternity Care Program which was started in the year 2022, with the support of Azim Premji Foundation, aims to significantly reduce the infant mortality rates into single digits (less than 10 per 1000 live births) in the Attappady region. Infant mortality rates in this area are higher than the state average. The program provides comprehensive-community based maternity care to tribal expecting mothers ensuring support throughout all stages of pregnancy from conception to post-delivery. This is done by a team of community nurses and social workers.
Scale of activity – The program covers all the pregnant mothers in 150 tribal hamlets of Attappady. Each panchayat is assigned a team of two community nurses and one social worker and they meet with pregnant mothers at least six times throughout their pregnancy journey.
Our Approach
The program is built on a four-pronged strategy at the community level:
Key activities and scale of operations (Nov-2022 to Oct-2024).
The overall goal of the project is reduction of infant mortality levels to less than 10 per 1000 live births. Some short term outcomes of the project are:
Project coordinator
Project coordinator