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+91 8589991227
Our Location
Agali ,Palakkad-678581
Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Trust has started several community development projects and initiatives for organising medical camps awareness classes, various programmes to promote agriculture
The tribal villagers were motivated to form village development committees or grama samitis.
The committees meet every month and plan sanitation drives, medical camps, awareness classes etc. They are guided by our social workers to submit memoranda, representations etc. to various authorities to meet their development needs.
As offshoots of the development committees, farmers clubs, youth clubs etc. are being formed in the villages to promote agriculture, youth activities etc. There are village committees in 75 villages now.
The problem of drinking water first came up in one of the development committees.Drinking water has been a major problem in the village. The village saw outward migration of several families due to this problem. All the households of the village are getting benefit of the project. A water user committee has been formed to manage the resources and the expenses. The committee has hired an operator. The villagers contribute a sum of money every month for the recurring expenses.
Thadikundu is a remote tribal village inhabiting tribes belonging to the Kurumba community. SVMM constructed toilets for 42 families who lacked toilets in the village. The completed toilets were handed over to the beneficiaries in 2021. In 2017, Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission completed the construction of 3 toilets with help from students of Trivandrum International School. The other families also came forward to request help for building toilets. Mission workers tried to find support for this very basic need of the village. A project report was prepared and funding requests were made. Viswa Sevabharathi extended help for constructing the toilets. 40 toilets were completed and dedicated on 21st November 2020. The toilets were handed over by Sri S.Sethumadhavan ( Akhila Bharatheeya Karyakari Sadasyan , Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh). The meeting was presided over by Sri Mohan S.Nayar (Vice President, ViswaSevabharathi).
To solve the Irrigation problem, the Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission, submitted a detailed Agricultural irrigation project proposal to a Multi-National Company for getting CSR support .With the help of that MNC we established a water tank cross to a small stream and connected pipes to 25 farmers’ plots in vellakulam. The vellakulam irrigation project Phase 1 will directly help 25 farmers and also help to farm for around 60-80 acres of land. Its inauguration was held on 29th December 2021 by Shri. Mukul Pachisia (EYGDS Global Operations Leader) in presence of some top leaders of the MNC, Trustees of SVMM, and vellakulam Ooru Mooppan.